Ok first of all remember your parent pay ALL your bills, so if they really don't feel like it they wont let you have the tv, but to try and change their decision, promise something in return, if they let you have a TV in your room, you'll clean or dust or whatever every I don't know 3 days(it's to win their "trust"), for Fallout 3 I'd recommned showing them videos of it, it's not a very mature game, no nudity, drugs or referencesm it is gory, but I mean not gorier than the news(use that point to your advantage) it has a compelling storyline and tell them that ESRB doesn't even play throught he games, the developers just show them a script or something and they decide the rating, so some ratings aren't quite accurat, if all else fails use the EMO attack, be sad all day, stay in your room, look really down when you are with yuor parents, and when they ask you why, tell them, you don't think I deserve privacy or at leats a TV in my room, I love you guys but you dont' seem to think about what I feel, lol works every time
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