I had a xbox 360 last october for my 18th birthday and I fell in love with it, I had Halo 3 and Gears of War and COD4, mainly all the good games...well unfortunately it RROD'd on me in May of this year, so instead of me being patient and sending it in, I was leaning towards with what I thought was a better, sturdier, system...well I was right about the sturdy part lol, the PS3. I bought it at the end of May and I was so happy, than as time went on, I noticed there were many things different that made me upset with it, first I missed my interface from xbox, the way the screen slides left and right, it was more colorful and cool, not so bland and, well, just a navigation bar with lists. It was quite boring as well, I had so many friends I knew on live and when I got a PS3, I...well, noone hardly had one except 3 people I knew. Still the same way, except 1 friend has a PS3, and 4 more got Xbox 360s. I missed everything about it, the way the little icon pops up when a friend came on, the little bloop noise, the way an achievement showed, and I miss badly Halo 3, it was overhyped, true. But it was my first next gen game I loved, condemned was my very first game I bought. I learned how to get online for the first time too, not knowing I had a month free of live til a week before it ended lol. I know the PS3 is free but, its so not...interactive and friend wise, hardly no one has earphones, I missed the idiots who fussed online, it was funny, and alot of people were actually nice on xbox. Now, its stuck up grown men and arrogant teenagers. Im horridly shifting my eyes to the 360 again and wanting to return to my roots, but I need some serious help from you guys, I had to tell you why im asking this so you will feel my pain cuz I know alot do lol. But this is my question, and sums up for why, I also had hope that Socom would help me stay on the Sony side and so as LBP, but, that game isnt looking too, interesting, a sackboy? I think its neat, but come on. And Socom, is fun, when I can actually play, but thats hardly anytime, I just paid 40 for this game and I only could play it about 4 times since launch, I have had it in more than 24 times...so here is what im working with:
I have a 40 gb PS3. Games: Dead Space, Call of Duty 4, GTA4, MGS4, Socom Confrontation, Silent Hill Homecoming.
I want a Xbox 360, but im only looking at the Arcade as of now cuz im near broke. So let me ask you this:
Can a Arcade play online? Can I play old xbox games? Do I need a hard drive for anything besides demos or movies? Will the arcade get the update of the new xbox xperience? Pretty much what is the difference of the xbox 360 arcade and pro besides no hard drive?
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