Hey, i've just decided that now would be the perfect time to get an xbox live gold subscription as MS are offering 1500 ms points for free, for any 12 month subscription. Im looking forward to playing my games online, as i enjoyed my months free gold membership. I was just wondering what people would recommend me spending by 1500 ms points on, cus theres just so many xbox arcade games and stuff that i'd like. I was also thinking about getting knights of the nine for oblivion, with the points. Cheers.
erm i got a newsletter yesterday, with the info, and it said that if you buy a 12 month subscription you get 1500 points, and it didnt matter whether it was by card on the console, or by buying an actual subscription in a shop. I couldnt see any catches or anything. May be a UK only deal though.
Depends what games you have, download content for them first and I personally dont bother with XBLA games really but there are some good ones such as Castlevania and Alien Homonind HD!
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