Seriously...if you dont laugh you'll end up getting really pissed off. At least in my experience they seem to have problems understanding what you are telling them. For example, I just got off the phone with one a few moments ago heres how it went
Me : Hi im trying to check my repair status online, but when i go through the steps to set it up I recieve an error message [reads the error message to her]
Xbox : Im sorry to hear that sir ill try to help you out and give you information on your console
Me : well i dont need information only recieved my console yesterday so im sure there is nothing to report just yet...i just want to set it up so i can check it out online in the future
xbox : ok sir can I have you reference number?
Me : [gives her a reference number]
xbox [long pause]
Ok sir did you reciece the box yet?
Me : Umm no i sent it in myself...I know It was recieved yesterday. In fact I was called today to confirm that it was recieved
Xbox : ok I see. Well as of right now there is no information available to me, so they must still be working on it. I reccomend that you call back around Tuesday or Wednesday. Is there anythign else I can do to help?
Me : Actualyl yeah...i know that the console is not ready yet it was just recieved yesterday, I just want to set up this online thing so i can check it out later. But I get this error message and it says to call you
Xbox : oh I see sir. Well Then just try again tomorrow
Me : [gives up] ok then bye
I have to laugh...because no matter how clearly you try to explain things...they always seem to be clueless. Who else noticed this! hahaha
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