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Not even close. GoW isn't even worth it's own cost let alone warrant buying a 360. Gears of War is the type of game that you'll beat in one day, play the multiplayer for 2, and never touch again. It's just a mediocre game fueled by hyped and 9 year olds. Worth renting for the production values.GodLovesDead
Not even close. GoW isn't even worth it's own cost let alone warrant buying a 360. Gears of War is the type of game that you'll beat in one day, play the multiplayer for 2, and never touch again. It's just a mediocre game fueled by hyped and 9 year olds. Worth renting for the production values.GodLovesDead
I think it's safe to say that you're speaking on behalf of yourself, not the thousands of people that play online everyday.
Not even close. GoW isn't even worth it's own cost let alone warrant buying a 360. Gears of War is the type of game that you'll beat in one day, play the multiplayer for 2, and never touch again. It's just a mediocre game fueled by hyped and 9 year olds. Worth renting for the production values.GodLovesDead
My thoughts exactly. :D
I have been a Sony fan through and through, but looking at Gow and GoW2. Is it worth getting one just for those games and maybe Halo 3?trapper94
When you say all 3 of those together, yea it definitely is.
GoW is really good, but if even that doesn't sell you, there's tons of other Xbox exclusives that make it worth it.
Just make SURE you play Bioshock, either if you get a 360, or when it comes out to PS3 later in the year. Play that game!
yea get a 360 youl love it until it dies but then just send it in... but wait until it gets a 50$ price drop ...and theres other good games on the 360 ninja gaiden 2,bioshock,pgr4,fable 2 is cooming out soon.
[QUOTE="trapper94"]I have been a Sony fan through and through, but looking at Gow and GoW2. Is it worth getting one just for those games and maybe Halo 3?DJCUEBALL
I'm in the same exact dilemma and don't know if I should get a 360 either.
Honestly, I would. I'm not excited about anything coming out for PS3 until the beggining of 09 besides Disgae. Not a huge Resistance fan, and as much as I like Socom, it looks really bad. I'm almost offended.
360 has a good amount of exclusives in GoW2, Fable 2, Too Human etc...end of 08 is looking really good for Xbox, and you'll have a PS3 for the crazy 09 year it's going to have.
When I first bought my Xbox 360, it was for two series, Halo and Project Gotham Racing. Then, I heard all this about a newcomer 1st party title, Gears of War. I can honestly say, this game is my favourite series thus far -- it simply has everything I can want (albeit with its imperfections).
What's the one reason I haven't sold my Xbox 360 (well, among others)? Gears of War. But, I say not to only buy an Xbox 360 for one game, buy it for everything it has to offer. Great games (both present and future), amazing online, and an affordable price.
3 great games...
Split screen is so fun and these games deliver.
SP is great too.
If your gonna get a xbox 360 for just GoW and GoW 2 then noo but obviously your not. But yeah its a great game but its not worth getting an xbox 360 just for the gears games.
Not even close. GoW isn't even worth it's own cost let alone warrant buying a 360. Gears of War is the type of game that you'll beat in one day, play the multiplayer for 2, and never touch again. It's just a mediocre game fueled by hyped and 9 year olds. Worth renting for the production values.GodLovesDeadI played the single player a few times, 3 times with my brother, 1 time for each difficulty, and countless other times with my friends helping them. The multi-player kept me entertained for months, almost 2 years on and I still play it. Hardly mediocre. But I wouldn't say get a system for 2 games, check out some other games.
I have been a Sony fan through and through, but looking at Gow and GoW2. Is it worth getting one just for those games and maybe Halo 3?trapper94To answer your question... No, it's not. But to have the ability to buy a bunch of games that your ps3 doesn't on top of GoW, yes it is.
GoW is just one of the many great games that is out. I bought an Xbox because of this, all the other great shooters, more RPGs, better racing games, and EA sports games look better on an XBox 360.
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