which is a better game h2 or gow. in my opinion id go with h2 becuase of the number of ppl playing it after about 3 years its been out. even though gow may have a better campaign, h2's xbl blows gow out of the water, plus h2's campaign isnt that bad either. besides the flood. lol
you said it 3 years later people still play halo 2, 3 years after GOW people will be playing HALO 3!!! Gears is a refreshing change of pace but im not addicted to it like i was to Halo 2, Gears will still be popular but Halo is king.
you said it 3 years later people still play halo 2, 3 years after GOW people will be playing HALO 3!!! Gears is a refreshing change of pace but im not addicted to it like i was to Halo 2, Gears will still be popular but Halo is king.rwells87
Halo 2 hands down. Gears of Wars online got boring like after a month. I still could go back to playing Halo 2 and not hear say you stole my kill. Also after 3 years they are still releasing downloadable content. Gears of war takes six months to add a new game type where in Halo 2 they added and took out every couple of months. Also all the different things you could do with Halo you could imagine.
Halo 2, you HVE TO GET IT you wont regret it. It rules the earth. Gears is pretty close and ido love it, but it gets boring and there isnt as much customizable online options. Also the co-op on halo 2, ledgendary *shivers* hell that is pretty damn fun! Also there are loads of veichles and the online maps and single player enviroments are WAY better then the urban styled levels on gears. GET HALO 2, its one of the best games ever period. Actually, i'll go play some now, lol. Then again its opinion and its up to you.
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