if by tons you guys mean 7 or 8 matches in player match area with 2 to 4 people in each one, or in ranked you refresh and only come up with 2 seperate games with 3 to 5 people in them going on, then yep GOW has tons.
yesterday i played about 4 hours in both ranked and player created matches.
i suspect what i experienced, is the reason why GOW has "TONS" of people still playing.
first i jumped into a couple of quick matches. first couple of times i got teamed with quitters, where i ended up being the last man on my team against 4. (people kept getting mad because of active reloads and left) then i got into a match where i was teamed with 2 trash talking pre pubescent kids, who trash talked each other the whole match. (this would have been funny if the high pitch of their voices (which sounded like little girls) wouldnt have made my ears feel like they were going to bleed. and then the team killing started. and didnt stop throughout the match. miserable game.
so i got fed up and went to player created. again every match ended in people quitting out, joining in, quitting out, joining in, all because they were getting mad the other team was active reloading. i ended up as last man on my team again and got tired of the teamkilling, crabwalking, active reloading, double hosting, prepubescent screaming, and went back to halo 3. ill give gears another try this evening hopefully ill find more matches with people that A. know what their doing without using glitches 2. avoid the kids, 3. get a couple of matches where my whole team stays in, and doesnt team kill.
gears has become a miserable experience for me lately.
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