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There aren't many time sinks exclusively on console that aren't on PC -- a lot of shooters, but how much time you sink into those will depend on how much you enjoy shooting and competitive multiplayer. You can get some good time out of Fable 2, but it's nothing along the lines of Skyrim -- great game though.
Also, Saints Row 1 and 2 are filled with things to do -- Saints 1 is 360 exclusive and Saints 2 was a pretty terrible PC port so it's worth your time on 360 only and both are far superior to that turd known as Saints Row: The Third.
Also, it may be primarily a shooter but Gears of War 3's Horde mode, at least for me, is immensely addicting. I've gone from wave 1 to 50 countless times, and the combat is so good that it doesn't get old. All the while, the process of grinding out your fortification upgrades serves even more toward keeping you coming back -- thankfully the game is fun enough that you don't tend to mind how long it takes.
These are the only few I can think with console exclusivity, but I'd recommend checking out Borderlands as well, even the original. Great series, and both retain a pretty active online community.
Hi Guys and Gals, I'm new to Gamespot and wanted to start my time off here with a question that's been bugging me for ages. I had about 5000 points, all loaded up for the Ultimate Sale that ended a few days ago. I was VERY specific with my picking of the games, choosing only: - Console Exclusives - I'm only buying an experience that can only be received on my console, a 360. I don't mean 360 exclusives, just games only released to consoles. I have a jazzed out PC. - Games that have Replay Value - Picked up RE4, Tekken TT2 and both the MGS games they had on sale for this reason. - Games that are LONG - Picked up RDR + MGS because of this. I've got about 30 dollars left in cash and 20 dollars left in points and was looking for another game that I can spend a while with. I was thinking of trading about 6 or 7 games for ~20 dollars to pick up either Lost Odyssey or FFXII, FFXII-2, but the FF games are relatively short and Lost Odyssey will not capture my attention and interest, much like how I lost interest in Skyrim. FAST. I'm also looking for something with either a replayable Campaign, lots of post-game stuff (MGS2 had TONS) or just a really long Campaign. No Multiplayer. Do you guys have any recommendations that fit the above criteria? Thanks Not particularly interested in: Fallout Elder Scrolls Any other Rockstar Games Final Fantasy (for now) Trials HD/EvoALargeWhiteVan
Well, there is Halo 4 if you include Spartan Ops. Season One all total that's a good 50-60 hours and I'm talking strictly about playing the game on the normal game setting and playing both campaigns as solo adventures.
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