I not sure I like the idea of a GTA game having 'next-gen' graphics. I'm so used to the blocky, bland look that previous games had. Sure the characters looked awkward. Explosions looked bad. The blood looked cartoony. But darn it, it had charm. GTA games have probably had some of the worst graphics I've ever seen, but it felt like a GTA game. The awkward grapchis kinda became GTA's signature look.
Maybe that's a testament to the other aspects of the game. The gameplay, storytelling, and voice-acting were possibly just so good that you didn't care about the graphics.
Now I know what your're thinking. 'Those games were on a last-gen system. So of course GTA 4 will have much better graphics.' But is it too much to wish that Rockstar could've dumbed down the graphics just a little? I'm just afraid that everything will have that next-gen 'glossy' look. Which may make the game not feel like a true GTA game.
But regardless, this game will rock the world of any GTA fan. I guess I just miss the old days and the great memories I have playing my favorite game series, Grand Theft Auto.
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