(Oh and I can't post polls yet :()
Red Dead Redemption was fun and all, but I think GTA IV is the better game.
Red Dead Redemption had a fun singelplayer, but sometimes it felt like a chore. Such as the part when you have to train your son. That was really boring. It had a really good storyline though, it almost felt like a movie. The ending was really amazing, and the *real* ending was very fun. If you don't want to know what the second ending is, don't highlight the following text. If you don't care, highlight this:
When John Marston was slaughtered by the police, I was in total awe. When I was able to get back at that old man, I was so happy. After getting he information from his wife, I..."took out some of my anger" on her. Same with the old man's brother. That was really entertaining.
/end Spoiler
Anyways, after beating the singe player, hunting animals with friends, and doing little bit of competitive multiplayer, RDR dried out for me. Every time I put in the game, I wouldn't know what to do. There isn't really much to do in Free Roam anymore. In Singleplayer, I usually find myself playing a pointless game of poker or something. There really isn't that much replay value in RDR, in my opinion.
As for GTA IV, I'm still playing that game :P. I'm playing it as I type this. The GTA IV had an okay storyline, but for some reason that didn't matter. The pointless killing was really fun, and it is STILL fun! There is so much to do after beating the game, such as: Having crazy cop-fights (includes cruisers, hummers, SWAT trucks, helicopters, and snipers on buildings), going out with in-game friends/girlfriends, races, stranger missions, randomly planting car bombs on bank trucks in order to take all the money (really fun :D), jumping off the tallest buildings, picking fights with a hobo or the random guy who preaches outside your apartment... The list goes on.
Also, I have had so many amazing moments with friends in Free Roam. The random things we do are HILARIOUS. There is so much to do with friends on Free Roam.
The competitive multiplayer is okay, it was actually really fun when I played with 3-5 of my friends. There are some really fun game modes. Cops and Robbers is really fun, and even team deathmatch is fun. Another fun thing I did with my friends was when we would join a Turf War game (because nobody plays that) and just play it like Free Roam with friends. It was cool because we would gain levels and unlock clothing at the same time.
The multiplayer experience in GTA IV just can't compare to the multiplayer in Red Dead Redemption. I know multiplayer isn't everything, but after beating the Singeplayer twice, it really can give a game a lot of replay value.
So, what's your opinion?
Edit: I forgot to mention the hilarious spin-offs and products on GTA IV like the building Panoramic (Panosonic, lol), Sprunk, the iFruit phone (no screen, no buttons, no reception, and all EGO! LOL), etc. You probably know what I mean. I don't think RDR really had any of that. I guess just because it was a more serious movie-game...
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