I don't believe this is a mess up with the controller. Because I am experiencing it. I can get out of it by running up to a car and using the hide button and i regain control of my trigger and other buttons, plus when i get into a car, it can brake and go normally. Nothing else seems to be affected by my trigger. When it gets stuck in Aim View, i can't change weapons. I can seem to only do things that are allowed with aim on. Eventually it stops, but it's undetermined if it has anything to do with user interaction. Some things seem to fix it and some don't. Recently, I jumped out of a car, and when I stood, it had stopped. Being injured seems to be the most effective way, but not killed for I did that before and it continued on aiming. I also tested the controls with other games, nothing at all. It use to only happen at random, but usually didn't do it until recently I have almost had it occur for long periods of time in every game session, and one I even started out from my save point with the glitch like that. I can still press it all the way down to lock on, but it doesn't release the half-pressed aim. I haven't exactly ruled the controller completely out but its almost 99% sure that it's nothing to do with it since everything else works quite perfectly. I could only rule it out by opening it, and since everything else works, "If it isn't broken, don't attempt to fix it!" Any help would be appreciated, and excuse the length, I'm attempting to be as clear as possible to the community.
P.S. Also pardon any spelling errors, I believe I cleaned it up pretty well.
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