GTAIV has a high chance of failing.Why you ask? Because as you can see, threads are all over the place talking about the 08 lineup and GTAIV is especially being praised. This is the kind of Over Hyping that destroyed Halo 3. Don't get me wrong, Halo 3 was a awesome game, but because it didn't reach the most ridiculous expectations, there are a lot of people that talk about it and demean it(Half of those idiots can't even figure out how hard it is to make a game) GTAIV is not only getting hyped here, but all over the net, and unfortunately, in the most hardcore gaming websites. These websites pass harsh judgement on games and eventually people from these sites leak over to other sites causing anarchy and controversy on these games. (Off topic:Kane and Lynch wasn't actually that bad, but because of it's controversy, it was raved as a terrible game on this site and some of the controversy creators leaked to other sites and they spread the hate. Get it?) I would love to think that GTAIV is going to be a spectacular game, as I do not spend my time wishing for the most perfect game in history, but I'm sure when GTAIV comes out, there are going to be at least 20+ hate threads. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please, only leave thoughtful comments.
By the way, I mean failing in terms of expectations, not the commercial/economic failure
Although I plan on buying it none the less, its more of tradition than because I actually want the game. I own every gta. I have been a big fan of the series since the first one on playstation. You know back in the day when it was 2d overhead.
So I was really excited about GTA 3. Infact I tihnk I was the only one of my friends who thought it was going to be good. They never liked any of the others. When GTA 3 came out I was first one at the store to get the game. I played it all night after I got home. One of my friends in particular who thought it wasn't going to be that great. I called him up to come ove and try it out. He came over started playing the game. Loved the game. Thought it was the best thing in the world.
I sat there watched him play. After about 4 hours I asked if I could play or at least we go find something else to do. He refused. Being the good host I am I left him alone. He continued playing basically monopolizing my tv and my ps2. This went on for 3 days straight. FOR 3 DAYS! 3 days straight he played that game. Forget about whether its even possible for a person to do that, he did. He ate all my food and for 3 days I could not get him to go home. I finally had to use more forceful measures to kick him out of the house. By time I got him out of my house finally I could play my game again. But no it just didn't work for me. I was so pissed off I took the disc out of the playstation and threw it in the corner.
Ever since then I haven't been able to play any gta game for longer than 30 minutes wthout getting bored. So Ill probably buy gta 4 play it for a good 30 minutes then toss it on the shelf.
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