Why doesn't most, if not, every game that features online multiplayer have guests? I mean, come on, think about it, if Call of Duty 4 had guests it would've been improved by about 20% in my opinion. That's the only gamer i can think of, but i'm almost certain there's more. Discuss.
The reason you can't play ranked with guests is you could cheat e.g just kill the geust over and over to gain exp. if the guest is on the other team that is
The reason you can't play ranked with guests is you could cheat e.g just kill the geust over and over to gain exp. if the guest is on the other team that isTehAssassin8
And this has to do with....? I'm pretty sure most games with guests (Halo 3) Only allow the guest on your team, and even then, you're only allowed to play socail with guests in Halo, which is fine by me, especially considering social games have a far more relaxed pace and feel to them.
The reason you can't play ranked with guests is you could cheat e.g just kill the geust over and over to gain exp. if the guest is on the other team that isTehAssassin8
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