If your looking to just play games on it then the best thing to get for HD gaming would be a monitor. You can find a 22 inch monitor for 200, thats what I use and it looks great.
If your looking to just play games on it then the best thing to get for HD gaming would be a monitor. You can find a 22 inch monitor for 200, thats what I use and it looks great.
Please don't go run out and buy a 22" monitor. This opens up a whole new can of worms. If you buy a 22" pc monitor it will only support 16:10 while 360 games are 16:9. The result? An ugly vertically stretched image on your 22" monitor. Unless you spend a lot of money on a really expensive monitor that has 1:1 pixel mapping so you can play on your 22" monitor at the proper 16:9 resolution. For some reason microsoft refuses to add support for the 16:10 resolutions of 1440x900 and 1680x1050. SO DON'T BUY A PC MONITOR FOR YOUR XBOX 360! I did and ended up buying an hdtv anyway...
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