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Halo 1= Overpowered Pistol and Health System
Halo 2= Dumbed down Pistol and Shield System
Halo 3= Easier than the first two to play, Dumbed down pistol, shield system
Imo, H1>H2>H3, but they all rock.
If you like any Halo, you'd probably like all the others. Overall, Halo 3 is better because the overall decrease in cheaters in the online play. Otherwise, they're about the same. Dual wield is also emphasized more in Halo 2.
For starters, read the review for Halo 2 on gamespot. It'll clue you in to any innovations that take place.
Many small weapons can be dual wielded, which changes the nature of multi player a little. The needler is horrible: You can dual wield it, but it's weak as hell. The pistol is weaker and has no scope. The new Battle Rifle is basically it's replacement. A charged plasma pistol and a BR was pretty standard in multiplayer.
You can hijack enemy vehicles, which is pretty sweet. The rocket launcher can target and track vehicles.
There's probably other stuff I'm forgetting. I'd get it if I were you. I have it for xbox, but I was tempted to get it for pc because you can customize multiplayer so much more.
There's something to like in all of the Halo games, though the story and pacing in the first one is probably the best.
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