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I played Halo 3 for 2 straight hours, then got bored and put in Gears of War and I was like HOLY ****!!!!!!!! NEXT- GEN!!!!
The gameplay is 10x better. If Epic could get rid of all the glitches, then I would say that gears is better than Halo 3.
why do you ask? becuase halo is just another shoot and run, not living up to the halo 1 and 2 expectations. gears on the other hand sold over 2 million copys in 1 month + it is not a cheap shoot and run, but it is a hardcore blood and gore shooting game with a sick multiplayer online mode.reyrocks619what does selling 2 million copies in a month have to do with anything, halo 3 sold more in its first 24 hours in just north america.
You are throwing the selling card ??? WOW here is a Fun Fact: did you know that Halo 3 sold probably twice as that in 1 day. Did you know that It has records on Xbox Live as well. If your going to throw facts, please make sure you know what you are talking about. Gears of War, is a great game but the MP is full of cheaters, and has the worst host advantage. SO No Gears of war is not better than Halo 3, in my opinion
Okay, I guess you like random trigger pulling more than Run and gun.II-FBIsniper-II
Random trigger pulling...? Are you sure you're playing the game right? Is that why you play that auto-aim arcade shooter called Halo?
And by the way, Gears of War will always have a better score than Halo 3. 9.6 > 9.5. Tee hee, sorry just had to.
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]Okay, I guess you like random trigger pulling more than Run and gun.HummaKavula
Random trigger pulling...? Are you sure you're playing the game right? Is that why you play that auto-aim arcade shooter called Halo?
And by the way, Gears of War will always have a better score than Halo 3. 9.6 > 9.5. Tee hee, sorry just had to.
I was referring to the shotgun which doesn't require any aiming and is the most used gun in Gears.When it comes to copys sold dont even begin to pull out numbers because Halo smoked Gears like the first day.Gears of war had alot to offer that whole Bullet lag and 8 players tottal is kinda annoying and the achivements were very dull and boreing once you get them all you dont know what to do.Gears lacked in replay value you really never want to play the campagin more than a couple times and the multiplayer was fun to a certain point.Once i got all the achivements in Gears it was bascily out of my Xbox for good.Halo is that type of game that doesint get old quick.I played halo 2from November 9th till Halo 3 was released.There both great games but overall Halo has the better package IMO.
Just cuz you can use a chain saw and it's overall more macho feel might tickle your man bone more than halo 3 doesn't make it a better game, in the least. need i mention how short the single player campaign was? and if im not mistaken, did GoW even have co-op? what about xbox live co-op? HALO 3 WINS.BzosoIt's clear to me now that you haven't played much of the online multiplayer on a good connection..or you just need practice. Yes. It has co-op, yes, it has online co-op.
Over a good connection, Gears of War is probably the most technically balanced game I've ever played over the Xbox Live...even though it is team oriented.
Oh please, Gears got so damn stale and unbalanced after awhile it wasn't even funny. The host advantage in that game is so undeniably rigged that any decent player can become god with it. The Boomshot after the update became godly as well. You can be 10 feet away from where it hits and you still get downed.
just listen nothink and i mean nothink will live to the halo experiance, what makes halo different from other first person shooters? ok ill tell ya, there is over 35,000 of campain dialoge, people spent 12+ hours a day testing halo just for AUDIO, all the sounds in halo are better than ANY other game. people even sat there an jumped 15000 times just to see if it breaks/crashes, there was so much effort put into the game.
The transport is so imense compared to any other game just look how many types there are you wont get bored of driving the warthog finding big jumps and doing flips in the banshees.
Halo 3 not living up to Halo1 and Halo2????????????
there was around 6-9 guns in halo 1 and so many less vechicals, and halo 2 the ending was so terrible so if anythink halo3 is by far the best in many ways (not naming all) graphics, audio, multiplayer.
People that think gears of war is better must be on DRUGS. the story was short and well was there actualy a good storyline ? didn't think so, yer i have to agree the multiplayer was amazing but how many people quit the games, bulet lag, glitches, achievement hunters. This just recked the gears of war experiance for me i am afraid.
over all both games are spectacular but halo is just much better because of the time and effort put into the game.
It's clear to me now that you haven't played much of the online multiplayer on a good connection..or you just need practice. Yes. It has co-op, yes, it has online co-op.[QUOTE="Bzoso"]Just cuz you can use a chain saw and it's overall more macho feel might tickle your man bone more than halo 3 doesn't make it a better game, in the least. need i mention how short the single player campaign was? and if im not mistaken, did GoW even have co-op? what about xbox live co-op? HALO 3 WINS.BranKetra
Over a good connection, Gears of War is probably the most technically balanced game I've ever played over the Xbox Live...even though it is team oriented.
If you're on the team with the host then yes, it way balance :lol: Please, Gears of War is the most unbalance MP ever. At least if you play rank matches in Halo 3, you get players with similar rank. So at least is fair.
why do you ask? becuase halo is just another shoot and run, not living up to the halo 1 and 2 expectations. gears on the other hand sold over 2 million copys in 1 month + it is not a cheap shoot and run, but it is a hardcore blood and gore shooting game with a sick multiplayer online mode.reyrocks619ive played both all the way through with both multiplayer and i hated gears of war i mean it had great graphics but thats it. but iplayed halo3 and i loved it
No, even with the host on the other team, I was still believing it's balanced, simply because of the way I play. By "balanced," I mean that there's more likelihood that a skilled player on his own can defeat 4 people surrounding him/her and each doing their own thing against him.If you on the team with thehost thenyes, it way balance :lol: Please, Gears of War is the most unbalance MP ever. At least if you play rank matches in Halo3, you get players with similar rank. So at least is fair.
I can't explain it well enough with words. I'll just have to post some vids sometime.
You are throwing the selling car??? WOW here is aFun Fact:did you know that Halo 3soldprobably twice as thatin 1 day. Did you know that IT has records on Xbox Live as well. If your going to throw fact, please make sure you know what you are talking about. Gears of War, is a great game but theMP is full of cheaters, and has the worst host advantage. SONo Gears of war is not better than Halo 3,in my opinion
And halo3is home to some of the most arrogant idiots who think they are sooo great that when they get killed they must scream and cry and talk about how lucky the shot was or that it was a glitch. Also i like how there is no repercussion to going full auto and that you can just run and kill everything. Halo is for the unskilled.
I can't return to gears, It's glitchy, laggy and lacks variety.
It takes less skill to win a match as well.
[QUOTE="chief_527"]You are throwing the selling car??? WOW here is aFun Fact:did you know that Halo 3soldprobably twice as thatin 1 day. Did you know that IT has records on Xbox Live as well. If your going to throw fact, please make sure you know what you are talking about. Gears of War, is a great game but theMP is full of cheaters, and has the worst host advantage. SONo Gears of war is not better than Halo 3,in my opinion
And halo3is home to some of the most arrogant idiots who think they are sooo great that when they get killed they must scream and cry and talk about how lucky the shot was or that it was a glitch. Also i like how there is no repercussion to going full auto and that you can just run and kill everything. Halo is for the unskilled.
You are saying that like gears is not full of those people either. If i'm hosting a match in gears I can win as well.
take away gears graphics and you got a crappy game really. The multiplayer has like three modes. There are like 2 guns used in the game. Also host has a huge advantage.raylewisnfl52
I agree, i thought the game was fun though, the graphics are great but boring, but there are things about the campaign that i thought were extremely bad, i thought that boss battle with that huge spider thing was crap, it was just a pattern that you repeat over and over, and that huge creature, that was in the trailer and was listed down in the manual, even though you only see it for about 20sec in the game. There is no variety in the combat, iv also never played an xbl match of gears that was actually playable, and don't blame my Internet connection, because this is the only game i have trouble with.
You are throwing the selling car??? WOW here is aFun Fact:did you know that Halo 3soldprobably twice as thatin 1 day. Did you know that IT has records on Xbox Live as well. If your going to throw fact, please make sure you know what you are talking about. Gears of War, is a great game but theMP is full of cheaters, and has the worst host advantage. SONo Gears of war is not better than Halo 3,in my opinion
this guy knows whats hes talking about
Why argue which is better? Both are awesome. They make me proud to be a 360 owner.
Personally i prefer Gears, it's single player was great even if it was short, and the multiplayer was pretty good too. Halo is fun all round, but lacked challenge (yes i have played through the story on legendary).
You are throwing the selling card ??? WOW here is a Fun Fact: did you know that Halo 3 sold probably twice as that in 1 day. Did you know that It has records on Xbox Live as well. If your going to throw facts, please make sure you know what you are talking about. Gears of War, is a great game but the MP is full of cheaters, and has the worst host advantage. SO No Gears of war is not better than Halo 3, in my opinion
Agreed. I like both games a lot, but I like Halo a lot more. Besides people trying to throw the "selling card," let's also look at gameplay. Halo has like 3 times as many MP modes as Gears(I think, I haven't messed with all of Gears modes). When it comes to MP, Halo is NOT run and gun if you're a good player. You will learn how to make use of different weapons' capabilites and learn how to use the items such as the bubble shield, personal shield, etc. Gears, IMO, is hide, shoot, repeat. I didn't think it was as "deep" as people claim it to be. That's just my opinion.
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