Like many other Xbox 360 owners I am a fan of the Halo games. I am also a big fan of the 1986 film Aliens, the 2nd in the Alien series of movies starring Sigourney Weaver. I have watched Aliens many many times and after playing through the Halo games I have noticed many similarities between the two. Most of them are insignificant things but I wanted to find out if anyone else had picked up on them. The things I noticed are the following:
1. The UNSC Marines body armor strongly resembles that of the armor of the Colonial Marines from Aliens.
2. The small visor that was on the helmets of the UNSC Marines in the first Halo game looks similar to the infrared visor on the helmets of the Colonial Marines.
3. The Pelican from Halo looks similar to the dropship from Aliens.
4. The assault rifle and battle rifle from Halo remind me of the pulse rifle from Aliens, including the digital display of the amount of rounds left in the clip.
5. Sgt Johnson from Halo reminds a lot of Sgt Apone from Aliens; ie they're both black males, they have similar attitudes, and they both constantly smoke cigars.
Anyway, if you're a fan of both let me know if you noticed these things too, or if you noticed other things that I did not. I want to assure everyone that I'm not accusing Halo of "copying off of" Aliens or anything. After all, most movies and games these days are inspired from something else. Perhaps some of the folks at Bungie are big fans of Aliens too.
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