Hi, myself and younger brother over the past couple of days have some what dragged our heels kicking and screaming through the ODST campaign on legendary, no small feat given it was our first time playing the campaign. It would be a lie to say i wasnt wanting rewarded for doing so in the currency of gamerscore seen as we would have lifted a nice 300G alone just from completing the campaign. Here lies the problem we have completed the game on 2 player coop watched the end credits etc so when no 300G popped up i knew exactly what was wrong the same thing happened to us in halo 3 because we stopped playing halfway through a mission then continued from the checkpoint we left from apparently we didnt really "complete" the mission. I only became aware of the coop checkpoints a while into the game given there was no warning this would happen. So basically i was willing to go back and do the two missions that we didnt have the legendary sheild for but when i go to replay mission it says (to words of this effect) "if you want to play an individual mission it would wipe our coop campaign" and thus meaning we would have to play the entire campaign again. This is where im unsure. I have all the acheivements for completing all the levels except Kizingo Boulevard and Uplift Reserve missions number 3 and 4 so if i started again and didnt these two i assume it would wipe the sheilds meaning even if we did complete those two and got the G score for them we wouldnt get the 100 for completing it on legendary would we?
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