The new Halo Reach ViDoc is now out! So, did you see the video yet? If no, Please follow the following steps. 1 Look all the way at the top of GameSpot (It should say Latest & Greatest) 2 Click on Halo: Reach - Once More Unto the Breach. 3 After watching the video, please come back to this Forum Post. Okay, so now that you have seen the video, I am going to ask you a question. Do you think Halo Reach is worth buying for $60 at Gamestop? Should we buy it. I say it's worth $60. It looks pretty good! Please put your opinion below. H3FrEaKeR P.S Hello GameStop members, I'm new. I joined yesterday.
meh w/e...I'll probably play Halo Reach for the campaign..what else could they possibly do with MP to make it stand out ? I'll be Battlefield Badcompany 2 for a good MP.
youre asking for impressions on the games worth based on a single viddoc? ... I think youre getting a bit over excited dude wait till the beta rolls out then ask again
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