I've been hearing a lot of grumbling about the leader rush in Halo Wars, so i thought i would offer the best counter I've found and invite other players to share theirs if they have found one they think is more effective. here goes:
If you see you are facing more than 1 Covenant player on 2v2 or 3v3 (or if your opponent is Covie on 1v1)and ESPECIALLY if they are Prophet of Regret, plan to be leader rushed. My friends and I adopted this strategy for this scenario:
1. Build a single supply pad or warehouse
2. Build a barracks or hall
3. build as many jackals or flame thrower infantry as you can, baby sitting the credit counter so that you build a new one as soon as you hit 100. DO NOT waste money teching your units up before you build them or building anything other than maybe one more supply pad, just put boots on the ground.
4. station your units at the base most likely to be hit or in the middle of all bases if the map allows an equally likely path to each player's base.
5. After about 10 units are on the ground for each player, begin saving for a disruption bomb, and NEVER allow your credit count to go below that level (i.e. always keep 450 banked for each player to counter the leader powers)
So far this has worked well on beating the supposedly unbeatable leader rush. Please share any of your thoughts or strategies on countering both the early leader rush and the warthog rush, I'm interested to see what others have found.
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