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Halo3 is gonna bomb. Mass Effect, Bioshock and others look genuine. But Halo3 seems to be falling short on inginuity. Halo was Awesome at the time, Halo2 was "good" until the Newb Combo...but with multiplayer now a standard, Halo3 is borderline rehash. Yes, I've got mine pre-ordered but if it turns out they've fed us Halo 2.5 I'll be back on GEARS..anticipating Mass Effect.S1NNER
you will be getting **** from halo fanboys any second now....but i agree with you....
Halo3 is gonna bomb. Mass Effect, Bioshock and others look genuine. But Halo3 seems to be falling short on inginuity. Halo was Awesome at the time, Halo2 was "good" until the Newb Combo...but with multiplayer now a standard, Halo3 is borderline rehash. Yes, I've got mine pre-ordered but if it turns out they've fed us Halo 2.5 I'll be back on GEARS..anticipating Mass Effect.S1NNERId rather play H3 than gears crappy muliplayer.
Halo is xbox, if you dont buy Halo 3, then you arent a true fan of microsoft, it is the best game, all those games will be amazing, however Halo 3 will indeed sell the most, and be the best game out
[QUOTE="S1NNER"]Halo3 is gonna bomb. Mass Effect, Bioshock and others look genuine. But Halo3 seems to be falling short on inginuity. Halo was Awesome at the time, Halo2 was "good" until the Newb Combo...but with multiplayer now a standard, Halo3 is borderline rehash. Yes, I've got mine pre-ordered but if it turns out they've fed us Halo 2.5 I'll be back on GEARS..anticipating Mass Effect.CKYSAMId rather play H3 than gears crappy muliplayer.
I AGREE. Gears is getting so bad that me and my friends go back to halo 2 for fun. Maybe if the connection wasnt so much of an advantage for the host and bullet lag for everyone else. How about not being able to customize the game much(whoa swap weapons)? Halo 2 was the standard for online play for the Xbox and Gears still goes no where near it with its un-friendly server list.
The weapon balance on the BETA was really good and I didnt find myself in the same area of battle as I would in Gears. The environments look amazing and going back to Halo 2 can hurt your eyes. COMBO is not good in Halo 3 unless you have oversheild. Halo 3 is so much more imporved over Halo 2.
Gears offers not even half of what any of the Halo games offers for multiplayer!!!
Halo is xbox, if you dont buy Halo 3, then you arent a true fan of microsoft, it is the best game, all those games will be amazing, however Halo 3 will indeed sell the most, and be the best game out
You boggle my mind, I didn't realize that such mindless drones really existed.......
I sort of agree with some of the other posts though. To me (and yes, I had the beta), Halo 3 is a very refined and distilled Halo 2experience as far as the multiplayer is concerned. It has improved upon many of H2's faults, added a couple of new gizmos, and essentially took Halo 2's formula to its new peak.
It is severely lacking in that new feeling though. For those of us who grew tired of H2, H3 is really not going to provide us with anything new. It's fun, but it really feels like the same thing.... just done better and with fewer flaws. For this reason there are many games I am looking forward to far more than H3.
[QUOTE="S1NNER"]Halo3 is gonna bomb. Mass Effect, Bioshock and others look genuine. But Halo3 seems to be falling short on inginuity. Halo was Awesome at the time, Halo2 was "good" until the Newb Combo...but with multiplayer now a standard, Halo3 is borderline rehash. Yes, I've got mine pre-ordered but if it turns out they've fed us Halo 2.5 I'll be back on GEARS..anticipating Mass Effect.CKYSAMId rather play H3 than gears crappy muliplayer.
Gears Sucks online and Mass Effect will be out hopefully before Halo 3...
Gears used to be fun online, but ever since the last update the stupid lancer has ruined the game. I'm going to play Halo because Gears sucks now and I need a new game...
I'd rather play Two Worlds, though.
Halo3 is gonna bomb. Mass Effect, Bioshock and others look genuine. But Halo3 seems to be falling short on inginuity. Halo was Awesome at the time, Halo2 was "good" until the Newb Combo...but with multiplayer now a standard, Halo3 is borderline rehash. Yes, I've got mine pre-ordered but if it turns out they've fed us Halo 2.5 I'll be back on GEARS..anticipating Mass Effect.S1NNERthis halo 2.5 fad is a tad annoying, just cuz u dont like the game does not make halo 3 bad, and gears? ohh please, gears multiplayer takes little to not skill, shotgun is as random as ever,unbalanced weapons, u got host advantage aka lag, glitches, small maps, no vehicles,8 players, little customization.....and this is coming from someone who likes gears,the only thing geasr got its good graphics and the campaign sucks big time, even though its decent on co-op....dont bash another game just cuz u think it`ll suck
not a halo fan boy or anything, but i hate people like you. Just because a game doesnt live up to your expectations it's bad? this makes no sense at all. The combat is clearly better than Halo 2's. Just becuase the weapons arent the same doesnt mean it's bad. This weapons are 20x more balanced than those of halo 2's where if you had one weapon you could dominate the board.Roughan-
hes not talking just about the multiplayer.... hes talkin about the single player aswell, saying that that is not going to be as good as it probably could be
This topic fails. So Halo 3 isn't gonna be revolutionary. I hope you didn't think we didn't already know that. You really can't do much to Halo. It's almost perfect the way it is.
I hope you don't think you're the first person to make a topic like this.
But you lose.
Regardless of what you say Halo 3 is going to sell millions, it's going to be the best selling 360 game(Maybe second at lowest), and everyone including yourself is going to buy it.
You're thoughts are worthless. Especialy when you right out tell us that even though you don't think Halo 3 is gonna be that good, your gonna buy it anyway. It destroys the entire point of you're post.
and everyone including yourself is going to buy it.vashkeyI'm not buying it, there goes everyone. I hate how people assume that just because it's Halo and you own an Xbox you will buy it. Halo might aswell be an online game with single player tacked on as I never hear/read anyone talk about SP.
People who think this isn't a rehash is nuts. Play Half-Life 1, then Half-Life 2. There's new characters, dozens of new weapons, a completely revolutionary graphics engine, new ideas, vehicles, ect.
The difference between Halo 1 and Halo 2 is pretty small. If you played splitscreen with a friend who doesn't play Halo often, he'd have a hard time telling which game is Halo 1 and 2. But atleast it added dual-wielding. Halo 3 only adds a couple new weapons, a couple of new vehicles, and a couple of new features. It feels like only a year or two exist between making all 3 of these games. Have you seen the Zanzibar comparisons? I couldn't even figured out which screenshot belonged to which system. In the end, it turned out my best guess was incorrect.
I'd be hoping that this is the last, because Halo 1, 2, and 3, all revolve around shallow and somewhat broken gameplay tactics. And they haven't really managed to change that between 1 and 2, I don't see why they'd fix it with three.
[QUOTE="Roughan-"]not a halo fan boy or anything, but i hate people like you. Just because a game doesnt live up to your expectations it's bad? this makes no sense at all. The combat is clearly better than Halo 2's. Just becuase the weapons arent the same doesnt mean it's bad. This weapons are 20x more balanced than those of halo 2's where if you had one weapon you could dominate the board.adders99
hes not talking just about the multiplayer.... hes talkin about the single player aswell, saying that that is not going to be as good as it probably could be
does anyone know anything about single player really to just assume this?
[QUOTE="vashkey"]and everyone including yourself is going to buy it.illbitcrusherI'm not buying it, there goes everyone. I hate how people assume that just because it's Halo and you own an Xbox you will buy it. Halo might aswell be an online game with single player tacked on as I never hear/read anyone talk about SP.
I hate how people assume you litterally mean everyone when you say the word everyone.
the beta graphics ARE NOT the final graphics genious', theyre just graphics that they upp a little so people dont complain, they already said that everything will be tweaked for actual game, the people are genious' you really think theyre gonna mess up halo 3? Kinda impossible, hence 2 years of work on a video game that is ending an awesome series
Halo 3 is not going to bomb. Even if it doesn't live up to your expectations it will still sell millions.
ME, Bioshock, etc. look "genuine" because they are new IP's not a threequel like Halo 3. If they make sequels then they will be just Halo 3; same basic design with a some improvements and additions. That's how it works. If they make radical changes then it will upset the die hard fans and essentially be a different game.
They've added all new equipment, detachable turrets, etc. What more could they add without compromising the game?
i hate the folks that says Halo 3 will kick so much a** even though they haven't played the finished game yet. i had the beta and it didn't impress me to much. and i know the full version will be better, but i don't understand what makes this game so much better than other FPS? i think fear is better! and i think Killzone 2 will be just as good. (i don't want to make this a war forum, but if people can't take to hear that games on other systems than their own will be good, then you shouldn't be on gamespot.) and what's with the people that uses the fact that it will sell millions to make their point that it's a good game? millions of people has AIDS, i don't think that makes the disease any better. :p i won't buy halo, i think the last two were boring, didn't like the guns, but people should be allowed to like whatever games they want. chill... :P
Oh these always make me laugh. The problem isn't with games or developers, its gamers. Just look at the forums. How can developers make anything to please fans. EXPECTATIONS for something as big as Halo can NOT be met because the expectations are that it should be the absolute most amazing perfect game. Expectations for Halo 3 have been set so high that its inconceivable. Like trying to define complete happiness. You've got some people that think Halo is the greatest game ever... and so, if Halo 3 was just an improvement on that...(even if it was only slight) wouldn't that make it BETTER than the best? Point is, if they change nothing then the response will be "Oh its just Halo 2.5, its exactly the same with nothing new blah blah blah, I played Halo 2 constantly for the past 2+ years and I'm playing right now but suddenly now that this new version is coming out with new weapons and new levels it just seems boring. But yet, if it didn't come out for another 3 years I'd still think it was fun."
But on the otherhand if they change the game... like add sprinting or flips or a quick evade move or if multiplayer didn't have a Spartan model, or if there was a different voice actor for the chief, or if the control layout was different or if vehicles were replaced, or if the options for custom games was gone or any other slight detail will be beat over and analyzed with a fine tooth comb to find some reason why Halo 2 was better. SOOO... if you're still following me and not automatically hitting reply to call me a noob, fanboy, or question my sexuality you'll notice that its a lose/lose for Bungie in the "Please the fans" department. Why? Because gamers are whiners. Gamers expect REVOLUTION with everything. Gamers expect MORE, without anything being REMOVED... yet, complain that its the same game with minor improvements. Does anyone get the logic there? People love to argue. See, right now, I'll post this... 1 or 2 people will actually understand and see what I'm saying (like VASHKEY) and others will say "You Halo fan boy noob pwned go play ur playstashin u noob pwned noob." even though FAR from being a Halo freak. Now please, prove that we're all whiny, illogical, unrealistic expectation setters with nothing else to do but post on forums... that, by the way, ARE THE SAME EVERYDAY... its like Gamespot 1.5 everyday isn't it people. Thats right.:o And yes, I had nothing better to do than to speak on deaf ears. Thank you.
i hate the folks that says Halo 3 will kick so much a** even though they haven't played the finished game yet. i had the beta and it didn't impress me to much. and i know the full version will be better, but i don't understand what makes this game so much better than other FPS? i think fear is better! and i think Killzone 2 will be just as good. (i don't want to make this a war forum, but if people can't take to hear that games on other systems than their own will be good, then you shouldn't be on gamespot.) and what's with the people that uses the fact that it will sell millions to make their point that it's a good game? millions of people has AIDS, i don't think that makes the disease any better. :p i won't buy halo, i think the last two were boring, didn't like the guns, but people should be allowed to like whatever games they want. chill... :P
What planet are you from? Comparing AIDS to Halo 3 WTF? I hate folks who think Halo 3 is going to flop b/c they have not played it. The producers have come out and said the SP version is going to be much different than the MP version. MP very well could be a refined Halo2 version. I played the Beta and had a blast. Honestly I could care less about MP. I want a good SP storyline. I have played 0 minutes on GOW online.
I think a better logic would be comparing the game to a TV show IE: Survivor. Just becouse a lot of people watch that garbage doesnt mean its a good show.
bioshock is also part of a threequel and it uses the same basic plot as system shock 1 and two, the same gameplay ect ect, does that mean its only system shock 3 cos of the graphics...errr no
the beta is from last year if you bothered to read anything about the game, so the graphics on it are outdated
i hate the folks that says Halo 3 will kick so much a** even though they haven't played the finished game yet. i had the beta and it didn't impress me to much. and i know the full version will be better, but i don't understand what makes this game so much better than other FPS? i think fear is better! and i think Killzone 2 will be just as good. (i don't want to make this a war forum, but if people can't take to hear that games on other systems than their own will be good, then you shouldn't be on gamespot.) and what's with the people that uses the fact that it will sell millions to make their point that it's a good game? millions of people has AIDS, i don't think that makes the disease any better. :p i won't buy halo, i think the last two were boring, didn't like the guns, but people should be allowed to like whatever games they want. chill... :P
We know it it will kick *** because itwill and the Halo name alone will sell millions. Fear is not better; its interesting the first couple levels but soon you realize you are just fight the same 3-4 guys in the same drab office spaces. And you talk about not having played the finished game and then talk about Killzone? We have seen nothing but a short pre-rendered trailer so far. And that AIDS thing was just ignorant and in poor taste. People don't willingly choose or pay money to get a disease like that. Anyway it's fine that you don't like it, that's your choice and loss, but what gets me mad is people bashing the game when it's not out yet and for no good reason.
Would you like to give me your copy of Halo 3? Oh wait, don't have it do you? Nope, just giving your opinion and hoping someone will care. You haven't even played the game, yet you think it'll bomb, sorry, unless you are all-knowing or just came back from the future, then what I do in the toilet has pretty much the same amount as evidence of what Halo 3 is going to be like as you do. Honestly, why do people need to start threads about these sorts of things?
Just to add this all up in points:
1. No one knows Halo 3 inside out, so no one can make opinions.
2. The graphics from the beta and most screens are not final, that's why it's called a beta - not final or release.
3. No one really cares about the opinions of others, so there's no need to voice out your supposed almighty opinion here.
4. Any self-respecting gamer doesn't care or compare games, they just enjoy them, so don't bother comparing anything to any other game, just pick one or both or something.
I bet Mass Effect, BioShock or GTA4 will score the same or higher than H3, those are innovative games.Halo is xbox, if you dont buy Halo 3, then you arent a true fan of microsoft, it is the best game, all those games will be amazing, however Halo 3 will indeed sell the most, and be the best game out
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