First off, my definition of a hardcore game is one that is very difficult to master and takes a lot of practice to get good at. The people who do master these games could be considered hardcore gamers. This list is of games that i have personally played, so i'm expecting people to add on to this list.
-Gears of War
-Rock Band/Guitar Hero
-Mortal Kombat
-Call of Duty (quickscope?)
(these next few i haven't played, but understand their difficulty)
- Ninja Gaiden
-Devil May Cry
-Dark Souls
This is a bit off-topic, considering these are pc games, but i feel like they deserve a mention anyway
-Starcraft 1/2
-Company of Heroes
-Counter Strike
- Dota/League of legends/ Heroes of Newerth
Please feel free to add to this list, this is purely opinative on my part. Give input.
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