Hi, i'm going to Game Stop in a few hours and I've been thinking about the new Harry Potter game. I know the review on Gamespot said it was mediocre or whatever but is it worth getting? Thanks in advance!!
It could be worse, but its like animal crossing with all the queasts to do and it seems like it never ends. I would not buy it though. A rental would be enough even if you're a die hard Harry Potter fan. I'm just glad it was my friend who bought the game and I just borrowed it.
no, the game was a huge let down. just fetching one thing after another. the combat was rare and when you did get to fight, it was a total let down. the game really blows. just read the review.
Sadly EA owns the rights to Harry Potter, if a company who actually put some effort into their games had the rights the Harry Potter games might actually be good.
Sadly EA owns the rights to Harry Potter, if a company who actually put some effort into their games had the rights the Harry Potter games might actually be good.
I know thats what sucks is that EA has it and don't get me wrong EA has made decent games but there OK not WOW!
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