Has anybody experinced any freezing porblems with mass effect?
i just bought the game before yesturday and the game freezed on me like 6 or 7 times.......its the only game that freezed on me.....i mean i have gears of war which is just full of scratches,u couldnt see your face even from behind:P but yet i still get to play it and never freezez on me......i always thought maybe mass effect freezez because the game is too big or something.....anyways it freezez from time to time not everytime.........just wanted to ask:)
The game has some freezing issues. Generally, Mine freezes at least once every time I boot up the 360. Generally, after I reboot it's fine, but it does lock up occasionally. Save often.
Yeah Mass Effect has froze on me, and once i was in an elevator and paused it for a long time and came back and the camera didnt follow my character and decided to stay still while the elevator went up.
I've played the game 4 times (all different classes). And not a single time it froze on me. But there is the ocassional time when the grafics look a little bad but they fix quickly.
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