[QUOTE="monco59"] [QUOTE="QuickThumbs"]$5 bucks a month....seriously! If you can't afford that you are probably one of the young annoying gamers online that can't just play to have fun and be a good sport.HVPinc
Perhaps, but why should I pay for a service that is no better than a competing FREE service (PSN)? If I pay for online, I expect it to be lag-free and have dedicated servers. I am not getting either of these, therefore I feel ripped off. Will I continue paying for Live? Naturally. Do I think I should? Frankly, no.
One of my friends did that, and then sent a message to all of his friends, saying to add it aswell. THey may know eachother, but prolly not. The idea isn't that original that 2 people won't think of it.
I gave him a nice rant about how thats dumb, as my reply.
And u, my friend, are an idiot. If u lag, that is not MS's fault. That is ur bad routers fault. Do u expect them tomagicallyincrease ur signal strength so unever lag? And Xbox has some extrafeatures that makes it worth theextra money.
Well thank you. It's always nice to have an adult conversation. So if it were my routers fault, why don't I lag when playing on the PC or on my PS3? That's pretty strange, isn't it? Not to mention people other than me talking about the same thing. How many times do you hear of bad lag in reviews? All the time. It's because there are no dedicated servers, unlike PC or PS3. Dedicated servers make a world of difference, my friend. Even though I don't lag often, I find it unforgivable when I do. I lag on Live (which I pay for), yet I don't lag on PSN or when playing on my PC.
As for that extra stuff, sure it's nice but hardly worth paying for. Luckily it's a small sum, so it isn't that big of a deal. But even a simpleton such as yourself has to admit it is annoying when you're not even given dedicated servers in exchange for money, and the other guys are doing it for free. Or is this all too much for you to comprehend?
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