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the numbers are almost even right now... well i guess this explains why it didn't break 1 mil. this week.
(one million $ worth of sales)
I think ive got 13 and they are all great. Cant wait for Sensible world of soccer. Playing an arcade game is alot easier than changing the disk in the 360, especially if you c ant be bothered to get up.
I've gotten 3 so far and I love it. It's great to be able to just fall back into an XBLA game at anytime witout haveng to get off ur seat lol. And they're SUPER fun!
Small Arms, Assault Heroes, and Aegis wong (Free I know)
I have Bomberman Live, Puzzle Quest, Wing Commander Arena, Mad Tracks, Mortal Kombat, Uno, Hexic HD, and Aegis Wing.
Hexic, Puzzle Quest, and Uno are my favorites.
I have 8 so far, and am waiting on Castle Crashers. Most of the games I own are old games that were for Nintendo and Sega genesis... games that I just never got around to beating as a kid.. so to me its worth $5 to Finish games like sonic, sonic 2 and TMNT ... also ive got Alien Hominid, a very hard side shooter but its rewarding if you can beat it.
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