How much do you think this is worth? I think I might bid on it. And people who own one do you enjoy it? I don't care that HD-DVD is losing either. xXmilkXx
wait until it fails ( it hasnt failed yet but it will before this year is over), that way you can get the add on and a bunch of movies REALLY cheap in one of those clearence sales
I wouldn't pay more than a hundred for it. HD-DVD isn't just losing it lost. There won't be many new HD-DVDs after a few months so I wouldn't pay a lot of money for one.
i saw one on Boxing Day for $150 so I bought it, I bought iut because you get King Kong with it, then I knew of the offer over the internet with a mail-in rebate for 5 free HD-DVD's. So the way I look at it I get either 6 HD DVD's for free or the player for free since the 6 HDDVD's are worth a little more than $150. And now I also have a more reliable DVD player than my old one :P
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