[QUOTE="JohnWinger"]HD-DVD was doomed from the beginning. Anyone with any knowledge of HD-DVD would have known NOT to buy it.
You were probably looking at the low price tag or the free HD-DVD movie offer.
I don't feel the least bit sorry for you.
Anyone who knows anything about the media war knew at the launch of both formats. HD-DVD had far superior image quality where Blu ray looked hardly better than that of a DVD. Would you have trusted a next gen format that promised hd quality then didn't deliver? Sony used MPEG-2 on all launch media and for a while afterwards, resulting it craptactular image quality. Since then they switched to VC-1 like HD-DVD. HD-DVD for the win, If Sony didn't have their own studios HD-DVD would have won this war easily. Sucks for everyone else now that we'll get stuck with overpriced hd bluray movies.
Somebody's playing the "if" game.
Right now (and things could change) Blu Ray is looking like the winner, they have more studios, more storage and more capable players in the market.
There has been a report of a clause that will allow Paramount to jump ship because Warner left, but there has also been another report that Paramount has denied leaving HD DVD. I wouldn't put stock in any of these comments as there have been similar situations in the tech industry where a company has denied something and then gone ahead and done it.
I personally feel that Paramount will leave HD DVD, due to some of it's content creators. We have all heard that Michael Bay was upset at Paramount's decision to go HD DVD only, but as a director he has little clout, but not Spielberg.
After the Paramount announcement, they stated a stipulation which said all Spielberg directed movies (from Paramount) will be released on Blu Ray and HD DVD. To me this says Spielberg wants his movies on Blu Ray, and while he can't "I only want them on Blu Ray" because of the agreement, he can have them on both.
This can be taken either way, as Spielberg has been very slow at releasing anything in HD, just recently Close and Counters of the Third Kind was released and that is all that is planned. Which makes sense as Dreamworks and Spielberg were one of the last studios/directors to adopt DVDs.
I have both players and as a movie fan I am loving the picture quality and I cannot go back to DVD. I don't know why, but I want Blu Ray to win, maybe it's because I have more movies in that format, or because since the onset of the war they have had more cards in their deck, but regardless I just want to see a winner no matter who it is. And fast.
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