okay even though i consider myself more of a sony fan i am now considering buying a 360 rather than a ps3 the reason for this is
that the ps3 is really expensive and it still lacks games that i really like if the ps3 is the future then might as well buy it in the
future when the ps3 is already the present.
I live in the Philippines and here the 360 was not officially but 360 are very much available here but way way very expensive
around $600 so i am really thinking a lot before buying one not to mention games here cost about $100! My main concern is really
the RROD since 360s here are not covered by MS warranty but just ion store warranty which is just 1 yr of services and not
replacement Im thinking of buying the elite but then i learned that it is also prone to the RROD and now I'm thinking of buying the
halo 3 edition but i still can't find one here it will probably take months before one is available perhaps will never be available
here. And also there are no newly manufactured 360s premium here the ones with the hdmi port so if ever MS will ship new 360s
with fwith the new falcon chips the probability is that it will take several months to have one available here..grrrrr i dont know
to do i need some advice on what am i suppose to do should i wait for the new 360s with the new chips or buy the old ones (still
without hdmi port) and cross my finger that it will get the RROD?
and also im thinking of modying the console so it can read copy
games what is the difference between an original game and a copy one?
Is the xbox live available here in the Philiipines?
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