guys i have an American 360 in europe for 1.5 month. does any one know if i can use the european xbox360's power supy with my 360, i think i fried mine here. does the euro supply have the same energy output in to the system as the american .. please help
I have an American console here in Europe so I can help you out. First of all, no, you CANNOT use the power supply input that came with the console here, even with a plug adapter that helps it fit into the wall. That doesn't change the power input from 220v (European) to 110v (American). When I got my console, I got a special stepdown converter made for the 360 by an outside company on ebay. Not sure if they still sell them but I imagine they probably do. If you already plugged your console in here & turned it on, I'm guessing it made some really freaky noises and froze....
I also have a america Xbox 360 in Europe i just bought a power converter before use my 360 you cant use the european transformer on your american Xbox 360
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