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Mm, good point. I'm sure it would probably be 30 then or around there. Depends I guess!aryoshi
For an episode i would guess like 15 or 20... Not 30. 30 is what Oblivions (true) expansion cost and episodes arn't usually EXPANSIONS. They just create more story, but usually don't add much along the lines of content.
[QUOTE="Agent_Kaliaver"]For an episode i would guess like 15 or 20... Not 30. 30 is what Oblivions (true) expansion cost and episodes arn't usually EXPANSIONS. They just create more story, but usually don't add much along the lines of content. KC_HokieNever know with valve.
I suppose when the time comes we'll find out. I'm more excited about the game itself than the price o:
[QUOTE="shujikun07"]Yeah, it was mentioned during E3, definately keep an eye out for it. It's called Portal: Still Alivearyoshi
Totally man, I loved Portal, thinkin' of getting the shirt.
I heard it wasn't an actually sequal (or second episode), but the same game (from the orange box) and a few more levels added on. I may have actually heard it from Gamespot...
[QUOTE="aryoshi"][QUOTE="shujikun07"]Yeah, it was mentioned during E3, definately keep an eye out for it. It's called Portal: Still AliveAgent_Kaliaver
Totally man, I loved Portal, thinkin' of getting the shirt.
I heard it wasn't an actually sequal (or second episode), but the same game (from the orange box) and a few more levels added on. I may have actually heard it from Gamespot...
Ah, yes, you're right. I JUST read it, look it up in the search engine here, it's the same thing but with new achivements and levels. *Sigh* Well. New stuff won't hurt I guess. At least it won't be spendy, if you wanna try it out.
Sorry for getting your hopes up, was a little unclear on it I guess! I just checked out wikip and apparently they're making a Portal 2!shujikun07
Yes I've read some acknowledgements on Portal 2, that XBLA one certainly isn't it though. More like a 1 1/2 XD But yes a #2 is in the making.
I'm so glad EP3 comes to the 360. I just wonder how they will release it. Just EP3 isn't probably enough for a stand alone game,and they most likely won't add DLC stuff to The Orange Box..
So is the XBLA Portal the same Portal as in TOB, or is it the flash based online version? First I thought it was the flash version, that it was kind of like N+. (N is a flash game, N+ is an XBLA).
I've already beaten everything in TOB-Portal so I dunno if I'll buy the same game again. Though, it would be cool to have 2 "Aperture Science" achievements :D
I'm so glad EP3 comes to the 360. I just wonder how they will release it. Just EP3 isn't probably enough for a stand alone game,and they most likely won't add DLC stuff to The Orange Box..
So is the XBLA Portal the same Portal as in TOB, or is it the flash based online version? First I thought it was the flash version, that it was kind of like N+. (N is a flash game, N+ is an XBLA).
I've already beaten everything in TOB-Portal so I dunno if I'll buy the same game again. Though, it would be cool to have 2 "Aperture Science" achievements :D
Yeah they might add a couple of things to it, unless the game is quite huge. Who knows really. The Portal is the same one, but with a few extras like a few different levels, and so on.
Did some researching today and I discovered that one of my favorite games, Half Life 2, is making an add-on to The Orange Box's Episode 1 and 2, our buds at Valve have decided to port what seems to be the last of the "episode" line, HL2 Episode 3, onto the 360, rather than only the PC! Makes people with crappy computers like me happy? You bet. Also, for those of you who lack a 360 or prefer a PS3, yes you're in luck, as it's going onto the PS3 as well. I'm nearly done with Episode 2 right now, I love it of course. Just thought I'd let this leak out to y'all! See ya.aryoshi
I bet it'd be retail. Ep1 on the pc was. I can't wait for ep3 I loved the game
i love it how people just start unfounded rumors on these boards.
send us the link to where you found this information, or else it never happened.
/omg Halo 4 is coming to Xbox720!
HL/HL2 are the best SP FPS's of all time, imo. Valve, as proven in Portal, are just an amazing company that knows how to tell stories without cutscene, which is quite the accomplishment. If any of you are ever interested to see how it runs on your PC, you will be shocked at just how well the Source engine scales, here's a link to the HL2 demo over at AMD:
While you're at it, check out STEAM and the hundreds of mods available for HL2. The episodes are great, and Ep 3 is my most anticipated game coming out, but the mods are what make this series so great. Minerva, Rock24, and Insurgency , and a ton others are all excellent and free, as long as you have HL2 + Ep1 for PC(super cheap too on STEAM).
Check out this link, the top 100 mods for HL2, very cool stuff, and you might be seeing some of these end up on marketplace, possibly, but I would imagine that Valve would want to give these out for free of course.
The Black Mesa mod is coming out, and many are probably looking forward to this more than anything else, it's basically a fully revamped graphical overhaul of HL1, which is just incredible. I have a feeling this will end up DLC, but you guys should definitely try to see if you can run HL2 and EPs 1 and 2 on your machines.
Either way, I ran out and bought OB for 360 ($40) and tore through it, I'm still lousy with the thumbsticks, but it was good fun on the big screen, and to crank it up on the good 'ol Onkyo surround system was nice. While I play TF2 on PC a lot, I was a bit surprised to see no one is playing it on 360, it's such as amzing MP game, and it definately deserves the attention on 360.
On top of owning it for PC, and if they ever made a HL portable game, I would be all over that as well :)
i love it how people just start unfounded rumors on these boards.
send us the link to where you found this information, or else it never happened.
/omg Halo 4 is coming to Xbox720!
Gabe Newell has said it quite a few times, it will defiantly be coming to 360, and probably farmed out like the OB was on PS3 for that version. The Valve guys are all about community, and while they are PC guys at heart, they have a real liking for the 360, and they aren't the type of company that would keep the new 360 fans hanging, especially after that EP2 ending...that would be like watching the new Batman, but cutting the last hour out and ending the movie, absolute torture :)
Meh, I've played the entire series on the PC, so I'll more likely than not continue to do so for the final episode. HL just doesn't seem like HL when on a console. :wink:Erock7
Fallout on 360 or PC for you? I think I'm going with PC, especailly if it will be open like Oblivion was for modding, if not, I might go 360, although I'm still not comfortable with my thumbs...
no1 plays TF2 on 360? i play it almost every day without any problems,except occasional matches with lag. i knows tons of ppl who are playing this outdated vers. of TF2. im not about to throw out a cpl of thousands to upgrade a PC then bbuy the game again. valve needs to take care of their 360 gamers better.While I play TF2 on PC a lot, I was a bit surprised to see no one is playing it on 360, it's such as amzing MP game, and it definately deserves the attention on 360.
On top of owning it for PC.
[QUOTE="mismajor99"]no1 plays TF2 on 360? i play it almost every day without any problems,except occasional matches with lag. i knows tons of ppl who are playing this outdated vers. of TF2. im not about to throw out a cpl of thousands to upgrade a PC then bbuy the game again. valve needs to take care of their 360 gamers better.While I play TF2 on PC a lot, I was a bit surprised to see no one is playing it on 360, it's such as amzing MP game, and it definately deserves the attention on 360.
On top of owning it for PC.
Not trying to cause problems here, but who told you that The Orange Box would cost you a couple thousand to run?! Anyways, I'm a PC gamer at heart, but I'm glad that console only gamers get to experience the awesome-ness of the Half-Life series.
[QUOTE="mismajor99"]no1 plays TF2 on 360? i play it almost every day without any problems,except occasional matches with lag. i knows tons of ppl who are playing this outdated vers. of TF2. im not about to throw out a cpl of thousands to upgrade a PC then bbuy the game again. valve needs to take care of their 360 gamers better.While I play TF2 on PC a lot, I was a bit surprised to see no one is playing it on 360, it's such as amzing MP game, and it definately deserves the attention on 360.
On top of owning it for PC.
yeah, OB will run on integrated graphics just about, Valve is great like that, a PC that's hundreds of dollars will run it no problem, not thousands, and how could you NOT think Valve takes care of 360 gamers???? They didn't farm out OB to another company(like they did with PS3 since that platform is a pita), they did it themselves, and are planning on bringing more to the system in the future, inlcuding Left4Dead, which is PC title first and foremost, and of course HL2 Ep3, all coming to 360. Oh, and they're even bringing all the extra Portal maps that have been on PC to the 360 this Fall, announced at E3, for the 360! If anything, Valve is the best thing that's happened to the 360 next to Epic, another PC company that is basically a 360 developer now. I would happy if you're a 360 only gamer. Not sure why you think Valve doesn't do enough, they're a PC company at heart anyway.
As for TF2, in comparison, there are thousands of active TF2 servers on PC, and evertime I go to fire up the 360 and try to play the 360 version, I can never find a ranked match, and there's hardly anyone playing player matches. Sucks, because it's such a great game. To me, it's far better then the other multiplayer titles on the platform, imo.
actually when valve announced they would eventually make DLC for the Orange Box for 360 they stated that theywouldn'tcharge for any extras because theybelieveif you bought the game you should have the rights to anything that comes out for it without having to buy another game.
who knows if they'll keep their word but its what they said
but also to keep from going back on their word thet could make it seperate from the oragne box if they do decide to charge for it
Can't wait for this game! It's going to be so good.
Because Apeture Science is going to be in ep3, do you think you'll get some kind of interesting new weapon that will introduce new gameplay mechanics? (probably not the portal gun though, because that would mess things up)
Can't wait for this game! It's going to be so good.
Because Apeture Science is going to be in ep3, do you think you'll get some kind of interesting new weapon that will introduce new gameplay mechanics? (probably not the portal gun though, because that would mess things up)
yeah lol you could just bel ike portal here portal there i win the end of game....... dude that sucked...... lol
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