For a long time, Halo was THE game to be playing and to talk about. If you were a Halo 2 fan, you were cool. Now, if you even mention Halo 3, people bash you. Mention cod4 and youre cool again. Just where do these trends of coolness, come from?
A game that people say is hyped starts off strong. Then people turn and bash it. After a while they move on to something else. It's a weird status thing. This happened to Halo 3. First week a good friend of mine loves it then a few months later goes on a rant of how crappy it is.
nifty, exactly. I started playing Halo 3 when it came out and everyone loved it. Now I mention it on any other game and people basically want to kill me. I think, I bet if they made a Halo 4, everyone would be back in lines at midnight to pick it up!
Well, i feel like i got ripped off when i play halo3. it seems exactly like halo2 to me, even some of the muiltplayer maps are the same, and i think a lot of people feel the same way deep down.
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