I used to be crap too. You say you run about looking for the enemies, thats prolly where you are going wrong. Run, find a good spot where you know enemies will be, kill a few, then run on to another spot where you know enemies are by looking at your radar. But make sure it is safe to run, and always use cover and aim down the sight when going around corners, thats when you pick off enemies before they kill you. I tend to crouch a lot as well as that stops your footsteps from being heard.
That other guy is right, depends how focused i am, whos in my team and how drunk i am on how well I do. But I have gotten my k/d ratio up to 1.32 by playing the game with a stretegy, not just running about aimlessly like I did when I fisrt played it. Once you know the maps and where people camp or snipe from you will get more kills.
Also set up your classes to suit your style of play and use different set-ups for different maps.Maps like rust and scrapyard are easiest for me if i am set up to run about like a nutter because they are small. Any other map I get my trusty bling aug hbar with stopping power and let the killing commence. On wasteland use perks to keep you hidden from the enemy and sneak around the outskirts of the map picking people off, dont bother with that bunker in the middle its mayhem and occasionally use the gun turrets when safe to do so.
also pay attention to where enemy air support is, if there is a harrier or chopper buzziing about keep out its direct line of sight or get to a building until it is gone.
what else can i think of? use claymores for cheap kills, planted in the right place they will always usually get you a kill. use flashbangs when you are in trouble. if someone fires a noobtube and it doesnt quite kill you runaway to cover because in a second or two they will fire another one and it will kill you.
and FMJ is my best friend.
My normal load out for most maps is: aug hbar with grip and FMJ, M1014 with grip and FMJ, claymore and flashbangs. perks: bling pro, stopping power pro and commando pro.
thats the way i play and ihave more kills than deaths 99% of the time. hope this helps, but you just need to find what suits you best, everyone plays different.
cant believ i wrote all that i must be bored at work again!
edited to say. I always play with a headset, it helps you know where your enemies are coming from. when i say a headset, i mean a surround sound set of headphones not just a headset for talking to folk. i dont plug a mic in unless i am playing with my friends.
know your enemy
good luck
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