Recently, there was an anouncement from Microsoft that there would be a filter to turn off all blood and replace it with sparks and remove any swearing. But, at the same time, they also said that you would be able to chainsaw some poor locust in half and actually hear them screaming and watch them wriggling around while you stick a chainsaw in their back.
How do you guys feel about this? Personally, I think this is nice of epic, but really wish they didnt do this. If a kid isnt aloud to buy an m rated game like Gears of war, then please, for the sake of this child dont let him. I just left 2 freaking games because kids kept freaking spamming the mic, it really bothers me. I have a headache now and am going to take some advil later.
But regardless, this still isnt going to protect the future of our children. If there that young that they cant buy a gory game like gears of war without telling there parents first then they shouldnt, it would screw them up eventually anyway. I really think epic is just doing this so they can reach more money than the first game did and try to attract more people to their game, regardless of their age.
So, what do you think? you know my opinion, negative, obviously, but please respect it, and do not flame, just poke holes xD
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