I have been a xbox live member for 6 years. Every year i bought a card in the stores to renew my subsriction. Money was tight for awhile so i couldnt renew my account. Somehow, i guess nearly a decade ago, i allowed a auto renewal thing on my account where xbox will charge my card to renew it. Well, my cards on my account were expired. I thought that my xbox live account will just go auto automatically to silver when my time ran out. Did it, no. Evedently, for 2 or 3 months, they attempted to charge a old card even though the cards were expired instead of stopping my service when they couldnt get their money.
Well, i come up even money to buy a 3 month pass for xbox live. When i tried to use it, i get a mesage that my account is suspended. So i call and dthereps say i cant use any card until i pay the remaining balance due i my account. wtf?
This just doesnt seem right. How can they continue to give me a service that i obiviously couldnt pay for then suspend my account for using a prepaid card? This is just another dirty trick from M$. I have gone through 4 xboxs, and still been loyal to them. I've paid for 6 years of xbox live. and now they had some trick up their sleve to make sure they can squiz every last drop of money out of me wen times gets rough in case i ever did want to go back to xbox live and recover my account. Greeedy, greedey greedy....
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