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Really depends on the game, but 20+ hours is fairly common for me.
Open world, RPGs or racing games with good online can easily hit the 100+ mark, but other games which have a good short story can be just as fun, just don't last very long. Prey for instance was fun to play through, but I finished the story in about 8 hours, and online was pretty dead.
Currently playing Assassin's Creed, and although I'm only on the second assassination I can already see this is going to be a long game for me, just because I enjoy leaping around all over the different cities. Crackdown was similar, and I've probably done 100+ hours on that - and did find all the orbs :D
I try to take my time with most games. I got GTAIV on launch day but I only just finished the story today. Total play time was close to 70 hours. I'm no-where near finished with it yet. I haven't even played any of the online multi-player yet.
The amount of time I spend with a game usually depends how long the single player part is. I'm more of a campaign man than multi-player. I try to play through most games at least twice. Some games I've beat loads of times but always go back to them like Resident Evil 4, Half Life 2, Riddick EFBB, Ninja Gaiden, Halo: CE and the MGS games among others.
i'm suprised no one said 300+ with all the wow and css players out therencderek
Well you didn't ask what's the most hours you've played one game - it seemed more like what is the average amount of time you play games for. On average I'm probably in the 20-50 hours category, but for certain games I would easily be 300+ (Morrowind, Diablo 1&2, Titan Quest, Counter-Strike (1.2 to CSS) BF2, BF2142, Civilisation)
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