Achievements are actually very fun to get in this game. Most games I never really strive to get them, but for this game they are a nice change of pace.
Finding secret weapons, real estate, Oh, don't forget to check out the demon doors.
There are also other side missions obviously, like one that was memoriable for me on my third play through. I won't go into detail because of spoilers, but remember to collect any assassin notes/contracts (Whatever they were called)
DLC is also a nice addition if you can afford it. They indice some nice things into the game.
If your the more expansionist type, there are plenty of places to travel to and do/see. This and leveling up your character go hand in hand.
(Evil) Attacking townsfolk. Entering bowerstone after never being able to attack it in Fable 1, turning on slow-mo right after a large chunk of them enter the bar, than blasting them with a pistol is a pretty rememorable time for me. Or sneaking into specific houses, extorting them, than killing them and exiting the town quickly is interesting, since it takes a while before guards arrive you can sometimes even completely evade them after the murder.
(Also if evil) Extort. I always prefered playing evil characters in the Fable franchise, and extortion was always fun. Going into towns extorting peasants/merchants, or just doing it on the go when meeting a merchant. If they say no a quick shot to a bodily part that won't kill them (Use a weak gun if extremely powerful) will usually make them reconsider next time.
I never cared for jobs, but for some they could be something to do.
Explore a lot. Find items. For example "Love potion #9" - the description stops at "60% of the time, it works every time" or something like that. There are pretty cool easter eggs/references everywhere.
Get a wierd costume (Chicken, anybody?) and walk through town using different emotions. Don't question this, just try it.
Want to make a ghost town but don't want to be evil? Buy all the houses, don't rent. Wait a while, return and bam, only the essentials will still be there. It's pretty much your town now, with guards!
If you actually take the time to read all of that, congratulations, otherwise, just note that there are a lot of small things in Fable 2 to do. Use your creativity and you can probably do it some way or another.
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