Ive found the easiest way to kill the guy in the gunshop, is to first stock up on pistols and uzis from inside the mall, on top of the blue roof near the start, the fountain uzi and getting the sword from the cafe where that photographer guy apears.
You then use these weapons on the convicts in the jeep, stay behind the trees and if at all possible use the sword up close, if you cant, Id just use the uzi on the faces of the driver the passenger and then the guy on a machinegun, its not easy but its easyer than fighting the guy in the gunshop.
Once you have killed the convicts, take the huge machine gun from off the back of the jeep, use this gun on the gunshop owner, it kills him in about 2 secconds.
once you get practice taking out the guys in the jeep, its reasonibly easy.
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