When I beat Raam for this first time with my friend it was a pretty close call, but we killed him without having to leave the first stone block. I would also like to say that playing through Gears is 10x more fun when you say the characters quotes. :P
1. One of you needs to get the tourqe bow, and the other needs the longshot (sniper rifle).
2. Once you get into the stage with Raam, immediately hide behind the stone pillar that lies horizontally.
3. One person repeatedly shoots tourqe bow shots at Raam, and the other snipes. (make sure your aiming at his head, but I'm assuming that if you've made it this far you should know how to shoot a head shot).
4. If you keep doing this, Raam should be dead before you must leave cover. However, you HAVE to get active reloads in order to make this work. If you cant, not a big deal, just run to the other end of the train and hide behind the other stone pillar. (Oh yea, when i was playing with my friend, i was about to run to the other end of the train, but tried to fire just 1 more shot, and he died. Lucky? Maybe  Excellent Judgement? In the words of Cole, "Yeah Baby!"
-If you follow this process, and you and your'e buddy are pretty good shots, Raam shouldn't be too hard at all-
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