and tell me the features of xbox and ps3
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I have both so if your a shooter fan then 360 hands down I play 360 a lot more and its also better for 3rd party games also.sgthustla
I own both as well.. I will agree with Sgthustla that Shooter games play great and feel right on the 360..
Racing games also feel so much more at home then they do on the PS3..
But then agian the PS3 (to me) plays best for sports games..
Then theres Video playablity thats so much more user friendly..
Its just a matter of what you want to do with a gameing console..
As for Blu-Ray going to be dead on near/around 09.. Ya I dont think so..
dude srsly i reckon 360 better i juz got the 360 borrowing gears 2 and its really fun, i have both consoles but i like the 360 way more...
Having had the PS1 and PS2, i had to choose between a PS3, and the 360. Right now, i'm glad i chose the 360 for its games and 3rd party support.
Granted I will be missing the great PS franchises (MGS, God of War 3 etc.), however weighting the amount of games, right now i'm still leaning on the 360 simply for the games. I've had the RROD, but i knew of that risk even before i bought a 360. My country isn't even officially supported by Microsoft, so i had to have the RROD repair done by a guy in one of our local forums who did a fantastic job. Then i bought another 360, this time, a falcon.
The PS3 does double as a Blu-Ray player. But i've experienced a lot of problems with my PS2 when i used it as a DVD player before. The wear and tear of the lens comes too fast, which is probably most people say that if the 360 had the 3RL, Sony has its lens problems.
But still, ultimately, the choice is yours. As many have said, depends on what kind of games you want.
Personally I have both and I prefer the PS3 because of Sony makes exclusives that fit me more. LittleBigPlanets good with freinds not when your alone, Gran Turismo 4 and Motorstorm are two different and good racers. When it comes to racing sony doesnt really have a competitor besides Forza Motorsport which to be honest is dissapointing considering that Forza Motorsport 3 is said to be "So massive that it needs two DVD's to fit 400 cars and 100 tracks" while Gran Turismo 4 for the PS2 has abit short of 800 cars which had one disc.
In my opinion if youre focusing purely on killing then go with the Xbox 360, Besides Gears of war series it doesnt dissapoint in providing addictive violence. If on the other hand youre more of a racer like myself and is willing to try different games like LittleBigPlanet then go with the PS3.
In my PS3 experiences, LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm 2, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Warhawk have brought me much enjoyment as well as some multiplatform games.The only shooter I think would be worth getting would be Killzone 2 when it gets released since the first game had such a perfect setting but was limited to the then and now outdated PS2.
The Xbox 360 has gotten me addicted with Forza for about 10 hours, Halo 3 when I played with freinds I know. Fable 2 was good but I was dissapointed by the lack of size compared to Oblivion and my favourite, Dead Rising!!!!!.
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