In those mountains up there, you have building where Gryunova is! In front of that building there is a statue with a globe, that is the obsevatory globe, you gotta knock it down and then throw it at ten people!!
In those mountains up there, you have building where Gryunova is! In front of that building there is a statue with a globe, that is the obsevatory globe, you gotta knock it down and then throw it at ten people!! DozerNL
I only know of the one place where Gryunova is and that is in the mainland, Where at in the Mountains?
No, its not in Shai-Gen territory; it the Volk. To find the observatory globe, look on your map to where Romanova is (upper right corner of Volk area). The observatory is just a little bit northwest of there centered between the two highways.
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