I got a 360 a few years back and have always had problems with the controller. However, now it has become close to unbearable. I can't find any way to hold the controller comfortably and it is all because of the left analog stick being placed on the top of the controller rather than on the bottom. This forces you to hold your left hand significantly higher on the controller than your right in order to get a good hold of the analog stick. However, the grips on the back of the controller are designed to fit your hand in a lower position, so this seems to be why it is uncomfortable. Does anyone know of any alternate or modded controller that perhaps has the analog sticks on the bottom? At gamestop I saw an advertisement for a PS3 controller that changed its analog layout to mimic the xbox 360, so I was wondering if there was any 360 controllers that mimics the PS3. I really don't want to spend $300 on a new counsel just because the controller is the only thing ruining my experience with the xbox.
All comments are appreciated.
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