the 360 will be more expensive if you want to play online and/or wireless. BUT the online community (xboxlive) is much better than the psn. the playstation hardware is a little better than xbox, but not by a mile or anything.
and i agree with anyone that says to not buy an Arcade. You'll eventually go out and buy a HDD anyways. Just buy the Elite. It comes with a 120gb HDD, while the arcade just comes with a memory unit that's like 512mb or something tiny. When you start downloading DLC, Demos, games, etc, you'll really want more than the 16gb max that the new update will allow. i'm pretty sure some games actually require a HDD though. last time i checked the 60gb Hdd was 99.99 and the new 250gb will cost like $129 or something...... might as well pay the extra 100 and get an elite with the 120gb instead of the cheapo arcade.
oh and when you probably get a wireless adapter, dont waste your money at Target/bestbuy/gamestop. they want nearly $100. I got mine used at a place called Bookmans for like $50. Works perfectly fine. I just dont recommend buying a used Xbox360 console, way too many guys got banned just recently and the older xbox360s are less reliable. the new ones are worth the extra $$
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