Here are my questions.
1. Do you got to transfer the games saves youu want to delete.
2. If you you do need to transfer the game saves (for example like a computer) will you need a program to do it.
3. Is it true you can't download shows off of Netfrix when you are on Xbox Live.
I don't really know what your asking, as I don't think English is your first language, however, I'll give it a go.
1. Do you have to transfer the saved games you want to delete? I assume you have an Xbox and have updgraded, your now wanting to transfer everything accross. Yes, you do, however, why not delete the item you don't want prior to transferring?
2. I have no idea what your on about? To transfer, you just plug your old Hard Drive into your new console via USB and follow the on screen instructions... Simples.
3. There's nothing stopping you, though your connection might go slow and kick you out of games... It depends on your speed.
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