First and foremost, let me get this straight. I love my X360, it's easily the content that gets the most attention from me (and I even have a Dreamcast ;) and a Wii). It's been about a year and a half now, and I love it.
My problem however, came up about a week ago. The summary is as follows (although you can find the full details on my website at -- a warning through, my co-owner coded it in Safari, so non-compliant browsers like IE don't render the site well (CSS issues) -- Firefox/Safari/Opera are fine):
My roommate lets me know the Xbox has red ringed. I investigate, and discover it's true. After some phone calls, I get the console replaced over-the-counter, but my roommate later informs me that he can't access any of the downloaded content anymore. DRM issues, would be my guess. I try redownloading them, and nothing. Contacting Xbox Tech Support, I'm told that they can't change the serial associated with my gamertag, and that I need to create a second gamertag to download with from this point on if I want to share content. In addition, I need to fax in a copy of my exchange receipt and they'll credit me via redeemable codes for everything I've purchased.
It's great I can get my content, but it seems odd that I have to go through all this hassle to get my content back to normal. I can't see Microsoft not being able to change the serial number and then I just have to redownload the content to update it. This creating a whole second gamertag seems a serious amount of unnecessary work to me...what if it happens again?
Anyhow, I just wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem, or if the general consensus is that I am SOL and have to do what Microsoft Tech Support suggests...
Thanks for listening/reading.
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