Hi, thanks for taking your time to help. Anyways, for christmas I'm going to get two game. One of them is going to be far cry 2. No matter what anyone says, I'm getting that game. For my second game its between fable2, COD5 and left 4 dead.
The thing is, I'm getting a game next weekend (my mate ows me £40). The game I get next weekend is also between COD 5, left 4 dead and fable 2. So depending on what I get next week, my christmas games will change.Â
What do you guys recon then. You can use pros and cons if you want, it's up to you.
Thanks in advance.Â
All of the games you mentioned appear to be great buys, so your definitely lucky to be getting three out of the four so soon.
I would say that the game you should buy is COD5, unless you already bought COD4. If you have already bought COD4, I would try to give something new like left 4 dead a chance since it appears that the reviews coming in for the game have so far been pretty positive (check gamerankings). I watched the IGN video review yesterday and basically the reviewer said that even though it is rather short, the best way to experience the game is with multiple people since it boosts the replay value. I would also wait to see what the gamespot review for the game will be (that's if they make a review before your next weekend deadline).
The Christmas choice then will be either between COD5/left 4 dead (depending on which one you get next weekend) and fable 2. Again, another tough choice. I've never played the fable series, but I would personally buy it since I'm into RPGs in general. Single player wise, that game should take you longer to complete than the other games, however the other games will have stronger replay value since you have Xbox live.
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