Everytime I turn on my Xbox and CoD4 automatically boots up from being left in the tray, I shrug, sigh and exit to the dashboard to play N+, Uno or my latest downloaded arcade game. I'm only on my second prestige (almost 3rd) and I've already become bored of red dot sights, randomly tossed grenade kills, and screaming children. I never feel the urge to play Halo 3 like I used to, or finish getting the full 1000 out of a game when I use to play for ages just to get the tiniest 5 point addition to my gamerscore.
I haven't purchased a full retail game in ages, and theres nothing in the coming months that really interests me besides Gears 2 and Rock Band 2. The only retail game I still occasionally play is GHIII, which is considered a very casual party game. Nothing, no games recently can mesmerize me; none can spark a fiery desire to play while I'm at school the way Gears of War used to.
Is it a summer drought of games thats causing this, or I am I just becoming one of the many casual gamers who deserves nothing more than a 360 Arcade? I have around 30 games, none of which I really play and feel as though I should get rid of, but the memories of all the good times had just won't let me give them up. Yet nearly all of them haven't seen the inside of my 360's disc drive in a year.
At night, I think "tomarrow, I'm gonna play the hell out of Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter and finally beat the thing", but when the moment of truth comes, I once again shrug, glance at GRAW's box, think "tomarrow old friend, tomarrow" and go play a demo, or some arcade games of which I have over 40 now :| Does anybody else feel the same way? Do the same thing? Or am I the only one who is stuck in a rut of Braid and Geometry Wars 2? (both fantastic games btw). Sorry for the long post.
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