any ideas, i tried overheating it but its been rapped in a towel and on for about 2 hours but no red rings?
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[QUOTE="dsman418"]are you playing a game? or just running it at the dashboard?any ideas, i tried overheating it but its been rapped in a towel and on for about 2 hours but no red rings?
try playing a game if youre not that should fry it good :D
yeah my friends just got rrod last night, says when he turns it on it ok then puts a game in and RROD straight away,
i think maybe remove your hard drive as you always keep ur hard drive. and then id shake it the hell out of it, make sure no disc inside.
i think the lad wants to rrod it so he can claim on warranty as his dvd drive is broke i think , the dvd drives shud be under the 3 year as well, they are really poor drive i think, wear out easy.
wow thats freaking dumb man, y? so u can go get a halo edition of it? lolLightColor
no his xbox is broke and its not RROD, so he wants to get it so then he can claim on the 3 year warranty. just relised if its his dvd drive he cant play the game lol
when my dvd drive went it still let me watch dvds, so if u cant play a game try dvds or cds so at least its doing something to overheat
A friend of mine did that so he could take it into GameCrazy and get an Elite instead. How this worked was this happened before the 3 year warranty came out, and he got the warranty through GameCrazy. So he duct tapes all the vents and sits it right on top of a little space heater, but he made sure to put a towel under the 360 so it wouldn't melt the outside plastic, but the heat would still come through to screw up the insides. It only took about 3 hours I believe to have those little red lights appear. The Gamecrazy guy had no clue and let my friend just pay the extra amount to get the Elite instead of a new standard unit. I still think he was nuts, cause a lot could go wrong.
Hi five simpsongamer, im going to return it at harvey norman if it stuffs up, then what do i do with my games i bought with it? do i trade them in or somthing?
If my console stuffs up, im going to return it for a PS3.The_Gamer_Dude
Yep me too, if it happens more than twice im done, i dont understand how my twenty something year old NES still works and a two year old 360 cant? Ill trade it in with my games and get something that wont brake, i just cant stand when i pay for something and it stops working before i get full use out of it, :cry:
If I was microsoft I would look through forums like this for people asking questions like that then record the GamerTag then turn them down when they called them.Ket87
the problem with that is that there is no way for them to prove that the accounts arent using someone elses GT...
[QUOTE="Ket87"]If I was microsoft I would look through forums like this for people asking questions like that then record the GamerTag then turn them down when they called them.IIMurderFaceII
the problem with that is that there is no way for them to prove that the accounts arent using someone elses GT...
Yeah but why would you put someone elses Gamer Card in your sig to begin with?
[QUOTE="The_Gamer_Dude"]If my console stuffs up, im going to return it for a PS3.twinkmanc
Yep me too, if it happens more than twice im done, i dont understand how my twenty something year old NES still works and a two year old 360 cant? Ill trade it in with my games and get something that wont brake, i just cant stand when i pay for something and it stops working before i get full use out of it, :cry:
well i have never had RROD but i rather get 100 rrod than getting a ps3 :)
Step 1: Preheat oven to 200 Degrees.
Step 2: Set up 360 in oven.
Step 3: Put TV on the stove.
Step 4: Start up 360 and play.
you people are stealing my idea...
Its a loophole in the warranty. RRoD is NOT the only problem that occurs with the 360... but its the only thing that is covered with warranty.
My 360 is acting like a **** too... I want to RR it too (just can't seem to grow a pair to do so.. I don't like breaking things) so I can get a new one and sell it.
There's no point in trying to get red rings on it because if for some reason you are doing it to get a newer model chances are you'll get an even older one then you have right now.Strife88
Dont think so... at the least, they'll reburbish it, and put in the newer falcon chips
I didn't know these boxes were so fragile. I got a halo edition with a broken usb panel out of the box. Is the RRing exclusively a heat problem? I have my box sitting right next to my pc, about 10 inches apart. I'm not worried now since its winter and I'm in Michigan. Open a window and it's 11 degrees in about 15 mins. Our rediculous humid summer on the other hand....
Swapping to a ps3 is a good idea. Both of my old playstations are still in game shape right now.
Also worth mentioning: I broke a controller already (3 1/2 weeks) which is nothing unsual for me. Suprisingly (well, not really) Microsoft used torx screws with freakin' security rods so I can't fix the thing myself. Had to do it oldschool, break it all the way (usually multiple peices, messy work) then glue the sucker back together. I've built entire controllers out of old broken ones for ps2, and theirs don't cost 50 bucks.
why is everyone calling the topic creator dumb? It's actually pretty smart, unless you don't think about the purposes of intentionally red-ringing the 360. I thought of doing this as well, before my 3-year warranty was up.a55a55inx
Becuase it's abusing the system. He's got a problem that isn't covered under the 3 year warranty, but so he doesn't have to pay for the repair, he's inducing the RROD just so he can fix his original problem.
i just reported you online and was thinking of doing so too by the phone. i sent them a link to your thread and took screen shots just in case. people like you make me sick.thecobraholderya i bet, and ps my 360 satred working so i couldnt give two s**** about u reporting me i wont send it in anyway. and anyway get some friends
i just reported you online and was thinking of doing so too by the phone. i sent them a link to your thread and took screen shots just in case. people like you make me sick.thecobraholderalso whut is microsoft gunna do if i dont send it in, and also im sure ur the first person who thought that they could report people like this who are jipped from microsoft because there 360 broke and its not under the 3 tear warrenty cause it didnt red ring.
My friend at work has a problem with his disc drive and wanted my advice on this too....
Honestly there is no easy way to do this. :(
Here are my recommendations:
Good Luck!! :)
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