This just popped into my mind. The names that were going to be considered for the actually Xbox was going to be Xenon, or Xbox Next. But some how they came up with Xbox 360, lol. If you could rename it anything, what would you have named it??? I honestly do not know what I would rename it, the Xbox 360 sounds pretty cool. Once I think of another name I will post my idea. This could be fun.
That would be cool but some people are stupid enough that they would probably get it confused with the Creative Zen Mp3 player. Btw, that thing is awesome! Lol
I don't remember where I heard it but the one name I thought was really amusing and delightfully stupid was the "Nexbox". Get it? Its like "Next Xbox" but all one word! Ingenious. Seriously though, it would have gotten old almost immediately but it would be kind of awesome if it was called that.
xbox 180, cuz 360 is stupid, if u turn around at 360 degrees u would be back where u started, in other words xbox 360 is saying ''we didnt change anything from the first xbox!'' and they really shouldnt want to send that message out since the first xbox bombed everywhere except for the US
xbox 180 means they are changin everything... at least... and lets hope that with good propaganda it would be for the better lol
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