I'm personaly getting the limited edition like many others for the exclusive golden lancer, Not only will it look awsome it will make a person
confidence grow by weilding a weapon of aesthetic beauty that can dish out carnage and blood shed. And anyone else that says it's a dumb idea
because they want to save a small ammount of money like 10 dollars is lying along with the others that say it's lame and for kids. Since the
majority of gears of war players arn't white like myself, are going to find it a change from the rest of the pack. Not only will these people stay away from the pack they will let the other side feel that they are unique by not using the golden lancer.
People that say they are going to make fun of others for for having it, are easily going to get wrecked verbally the whole game by anyone that isn't
a kid younger than 12 who can't talk back or say anything other than "your mom". again such as myself and the majority of gears of war players.
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